Marlboro Township’s Economic Development Committee (EDC) helps businesses move through the process of opening a business, relocating, or expanding. The EDC works with businesses to help identify and leverage business opportunities. Also, the committee can serve as a sounding board for businesses considering coming to Marlboro.

The EDC offers the following assistance to promote your business under Shop Marlboro program:


  • Discounted filming of business together with interview for up-close business segment of “Our Town” TV show streamed from NJ Discover website and their social media sites
  • Free airing of up-close business coverage during  “Our Town Show” of Marlboro TV Channel  for a month
  • The video will also be made available to stream from your business website
  • Discounts for advertising in various local media outlets such as the Asbury Park Press, News Transcript, Patch, Shop-A-Holic and Marlboro Matters
  • Complimentary listing of sales events in the Township website
  • Complimentary access to upload business video to our web-based Marlboro Channel

Customer Acquisition:

Complimentary Services:

To find out more about Marlboro and how it can work for your business, please contact the Economic Development Committee